the love story.

Welcome to the home of the love story! Am I positive I was the first artist to bring this concept to life? No. Art has been around for such a long time, for the most part every concept has been thought of already and is now being recreated in a different way by each individual artist. However, I do remember years back as I was developing my map style, I had a client ask me if I could create a map that laid out some details about this person’s son and daughter in law as a special piece for their wedding. In that moment for my business and I, the love story was born. So I guess the credit actually goes to this wonderful mother! I am grateful for that beginning because over the last few years I have continued to grow this concept into what it is today. A gorgeous, keepsake piece of artwork that my newlyweds absolutely love to hang in their homes to tell their story!

How does the love story work? It starts with the two of you. Where did you meet and how? We go through each monumental moment in your relationship and can include as many details as you’d like! Where was your first date? When and where did you move in together? When and where did you get engaged? Do you have any pets? What is your favorite hobby to do together or place to go together? Where are you getting married? - I will paint anything you want to include!

Pro tip: I will recommend having the love story printed on poster board for your wedding so it is more durable, on an easel for example. And then printing a separate print on beautiful, archival watercolor paper to frame as the art in your home. This allows the ‘forever piece’ to resist all the changing of hands and travel. We don’t want wear and tear on your beautiful new art!

My obsession with the love story is a few things. First, it’s so fun to think back about your story as a couple and be able to look at it in your home everyday. Decorating is a real thing and I’m bigggg into decorating with meaning and intention! The love story covers both. Second, imagine showing this to your children and having them be able to look up at the story of their parents love as they grow? The romance, sweetness, thoughtfulness and all around true love vibes you’re creating in your home are indescribable. And third, I love to see the artwork live beyond the wedding day. So much love and creativity goes into the stationery for your wedding and it’s amazing that it lives on in the photographs. But it is extra special to have actual art from it!

Below are some examples of love stories I have created in the past. Mostly we use them for a save the date but lately [ and finally! ] my clients are wanting to print these larger to hang at the wedding as a welcome sign and then bring home with them after the wedding.


the wedding map.


what is the wedding day itinerary?